Shuimu BioSciences

For best utilizing the world-class capacity of cryo-EM to support young scientists for their innovations, Shuimu BioSciences officially launched the 2nd Young Scientist Cryo-EM Research Support Program (YSSP) on July 25. Within a month, the committee received nearly 100 applications from top universities in China, US, UK, Brazil, Israel, India, and many others. The projects cover a wide range of research fields, including drug design, transcription regulation, epigenetics, immunology, and virology.

To fulfill the main purpose of supporting young scientists for their innovative ideas, under the discreet evaluation of the Committee, we proudly announce that 25 outstanding projects are selected and will be supported by the 2nd YSSP!

Note to Finalists:

An official email will be sent to all finalists from the Committee by September 9th with instructions for sample delivery and further steps. Please reply to the notification email no later than September 16th or it will be seen as the opportunity is given up. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us via

Remarks from the Finalists

“I am delighted to be selected as a finalist for the 2nd Young Scientist Support Program. I look forward to working with Shuimu on determining structures of fascinating complexes using cryo-EM. These prospective high-resolution structures will help us understand the function of protein complexes and will provide molecular explanations for diseases associated with mutations in the studied complexes.”

——Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Dr. Iris Grossman Haham

“Revolutionary breakthroughs in Cryo-EM are dramatically changing the paradigm of drug development research. Our laboratory focuses on the structure and drug development of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). Without the support of electron microscopy, the strategy of using structure-based drug design for GPCRs is almost unfeasible. This is because it is too difficult and costly to obtain the structure of a complex of a GPCR and a drug (especially a low affinity ligand). Electron microscopy makes everything possible. Shuimu's powerful electron microscopy technology will certainly accelerate the development of drugs targeting GPCRs in the future.”

——Tsinghua University, Dr. Xiangyu Liu

“With leading cryo-electron microscopy technology and experience in resolving structures, Shuimu is sure to achieve more meaningful results and advance science!”

——Zhejiang University, Dr. Baoguo Li

“Thank you very much for your cooperation with our group and for providing us with this opportunity. This topic is still further exploring new mechanisms and possibilities, and we hope that in the future we can further deepen the meaning and depth of our topic research and provide some support for practical applications and mechanism exploration.”

——China Agricultural University, Dr. Xuehui Bai

“Thanks to the excellent platform of Shuimu, using cryo-electron microscopy to illuminate the 3D structure of proteins and provide unlimited possibilities for new drug development!”

——ShanghaiTech University of Science and Technology, Dr. Fei Xu

“Shuimu allows young scientists to use the most advanced cryo-electron microscope to explore the secrets of biomolecular complexes, allowing young researchers to stand on the shoulders of giants”

——Guangzhou Medical University, Dr. Qi Long

About Us

Shuimu is an AI and cryo-EM driven drug discovery platform. Founded in 2017 in Beijing, China with a core team of outstanding life science and computational scientists, AI and pharmaceutical industry experts, Shuimu has successfully provided structural biology and drug discovery services to over 300 innovative pharmaceutical companies and top research institutions globally in the fields of small molecules, antibodies, RNA drugs, protein degradation, gene therapy, etc.

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